Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Education as Liberation

Another inspirational set of images from Jens Honore explore an educational center in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya for women. Here, girls are taught a variety of different skills from dressmaking to computer work, in a safe, nuturing environment. The girls recieve a proper education, as well as learn the importance of self-reliance.
Read more about Jen's trip to this educational center in his blog:

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Young Lions Brazil

Manipula just released their latest production for Young Lions Brazil, the most important gateway for young Brazilian advertisers to the Cannes International Festival.

The Talents were shot in their studio in Rio de Janeiro, with special lighting equipment to capture the perfect moment as the scenes were happing in an Athletics Stadium.  By the end of the shoot, each talent made over 300 jumps till they got the perfect shot.Manipula was chosen to produce this campaign for being one of the exponents in the Brazilian printed image studio market and for being compatible with the campaign's concept of showing the newest and most talented Brazilian creatives.

for more information on Young Lions and the Cannes International Festival: