Monday, November 28, 2011

Laura Crosta's documentary needs your votes!!

"Sing: The Hotel Cafe Tour" has been selected as one of the top Documentary Channel premieres of 2011, as voted on by Documentary Channel staff, and will be included in their upcoming Best of DOC Awards. Each night in December, one of the selected films will air at 8pm ET/PT, and you will have a chance to go to to vote for Laura's documentary. You will be automatically entered for a chance to win numerous prizes, including an iPad, BOSE speakers, a SONY Bloggie, and more.

Most important, the film that receives the most votes by January 5th will review the Best of DOC Audience Award. In addition, a Best of DOC Jury Award, to the director, will be awarded to the top film as voted on by a Documentary Channel jury.

So please vote for Laura's film at once a day, every day, between December 1st and January 5th.

You can check out a trailer for the documentary here!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

CA Advertising Annual featuring Adrian Mueller, Andreas Smetana and Electric Art

HURRY! Turn to page 98 and 123
in CA's Advertising Annual where Adrian Mueller's work for Costa Sunglasses and the joint efforts of Andreas Smetana's photography and Electric Art's retouching for the Royal Australian Navy are featured. Congratulations to all!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Adrian Mueller - Liquid Genius

Adrian Mueller was recently a tabletop liquids DP on this breathtaking short entitled: RE:LEASE
Click here to view!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Clik Group FIAT 500 App

Please click here to check out a short clip showcasing an awesome interactive app featuring The Clik Group's innovative CGI work.